Today is the day! Brand new COVER REVEALS!

cover reveal

Some of you may know that I am a 41 year old student earning a bachelor degree in natural medicine. It is a very aggressive program that has taken 99% of my time this last year! Alas, my writing has suffered so much and my brain is now overflowing with conversations between characters. This obviously gets me down when I can’t just get it all out! So I finished my last assignment, my editor finished helping me revamp Noble Courage, and I decided it was time to make new covers for the Aspen Series books!

My goal was to make them representative of the series while still making them match and look cohesive. One day, I happened to be watching “The Deathly Hallows 1 & 2” and the animated story of The Three Brothers came on. It was a concept that really spoke to me! The back silhouetted figures against rich backgrounds told the story and I fell in love.

So while my last book of the series is still under construction, I managed to deck my other books in these amazing cloaks of story telling. And it seems, as of late, that Aspen has been screaming at me daily to create a Christmas story indicative of the Medieval times. And so, I am working feverishly on the creation of “The Christmas Spirits”. I think it has a very cool storyline that you will all love…even if you don’t read Medieval fiction.

And so, without further ado, I am revealing to you the new and improved Aspen Series!

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I am still working on covers for Tales of Elgolan No. 1-5. I will show you those when I get them finished! So how great are these?!? My plan is to have the new covers uploaded every where by the 10th of December so they will be ready for Christmas! The Christmas Spirits should be on Kindle before then if all goes well!

On December 15th, I plan to launch a huge promo where I’m giving away a Kindle! Stay tuned for that!

Currently, all my books are available on and can be downloaded from the Kindle store immediately. Please remember that it takes time to get covers changed and Noble Courage will get a makeover on the inside too as my editor just finished sprucing up the story.

I’m thankful for so many things in my  life! Aspen is one of those. Her voice has helped me in so many ways! Thank you for being a fan and a reader! I appreciate your support more than you know!

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! AWARDS TIME!

This has been a great week! Thank you to all who have interacted with me in comments, reblogging, and liking my work! Some posts take a HUGE amount of time and others don’t. But I’m all about giving back and extending my hand of friendship to those around me. The fact that you read my work and talk back to me about it means the world to me! Thank you!

So I want to give out some kudos to those who have been amazing this week. Now I want to do this each week, so you can rise through the ranks the more you visit and comment! I know, I know…I can’t hand out cool presents each week, but there are times I will do a random give-away for those who participate on a regular basis. I’m unpredictable that way.

Take a moment to take a peek at these awesome bloggers! Follow them, talk to them, love them!

Without further ado…Here are my awards for this week!

Royal Subjects: Award for following my blog!

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Knights of the Crown: Award for comments on my posts!

Photo Attribution: Unknown

Photo Attribution: Unknown


Allies of the Kingdom: Award for reblogging my posts!

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King’s Herald: Award for liking my posts!

Photo Attribution: Midsommer Actors via Flickr Creative Commons

Photo Attribution: Midsommer Actors via Flickr Creative Commons


Thank you sooo much for your love and support! I couldn’t keep going without you!

If you feel so inclined to read my books, you can find them all HERE! Just know that I appreciate you reading!

Each Day is a New Beginning…

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Easter is a very special day for me on many levels.  This last year has held many milestones in my life and it is easy to feel bogged down and overwhelmed with life. As you withdraw from the things you love, it only makes you more sad and detached.

There comes a time for most people when you take time to reflect on how things are, how things have been, and where you want to go. But getting to this point can be slow and painful. This was me. A year full of great joy and equally great sorrow has left me feeling hollow and spent. I had given up on several goals and dreams, and I let others dictate the path I was walking.

Today, that all ends.

This is a day of reflection, at long last. It’s a day where I choose to grow and find my own way in the world. I refuse to allow other people to control the rudder on the ship of my life. I am the captain. I always was, but I let my crew influence how I performed instead of taking charge.

I have discovered what I am best at and what I love…what I am passionate about. This is the year to shine!

So many people feel that New Year’s is about making goals and resolutions. But such a special day as Easter Sunday brings my life into proportion and fills me with a new energy. I don’t strive to be famous or wealthy. I just want to make a difference in someone’s life. Don’t get me wrong, a bestselling novel would be amazing. But I’m content to know that my words and my actions have helped one person in my journey through my life.

So here’s to new beginnings! Here’s to putting together a different strategy for steering my life in the direction I wish to go. I hope you will join me in that journey.

I want to thank a few people for their support, whether they know they were influential or not, I love them all!

My husband is right up there at the top. But those who aren’t close to me physically are Seumas Gallacher, Jeriann Watkins, Cynthia Hepner, Arthur Browne, and several others who graced me with their own thoughts, posts, and books. Take a moment to visit these amazing friends of mine and perhaps they will grace your life as well!

If you feel so inclined, make a quick visit to my Amazon page and my website. I changed my site a little bit and would love observations and suggestions in making it even better! Feel free to comment and let me know what you think!

TOUR STOP #4! Of Blade and Valor!

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Tour stop #4 for Of Blade and Valor by Cheryl Alleway is with author Neil Newton, who features the book One Time on Earth. We are so thankful to have his participation on this tour and he wrote a beautiful sort of review that exposes his emotions on the subject of historical fiction and bringing to life successfully. Cheryl does this in her new release, Of Blade and Valor and Neil will tell you as well.

When you visit, please comment so we know you were there! 😀 We want to enter you in the drawing for some great prizes!

So here is the link to Neil’s post:
Please take a moment to check out his work as well!

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Production Diary: My Progress

Cast Dungeon

Well, I have a new look to my site. I found a really cool template and was able to install a BuddyPress ring on my website. However, I like the look a lot. One day, I can tweak it to how I want it as far as some graphics go, but for now it is pretty awesome. You can check it out at

As far as my filming project, I emailed a gal referred to me by a friend. I asked her some questions about different things that concerned the project as she heads a theater group in my area. She might have some other insights and ideas, thoughts about a cast and people who do camera work. She could be a great addition to my crew!

I had a message from someone on Kickstarter who wanted to let me know they felt about my lack of rewards and how they really catered to the people in my own area. So, I sat down today and thought of more things I could offer. Now, there are more things to benefit those who back my project. It was a happy feeling to look and see that I at least made it 1% of the way! lol

I may not be off to the most rip-roaring start, but I will keep plugging along. This project means so much to me!

I did confirm, for those who know who he is, that my son Dante is going to play the part of Kendric Tiller and I think he will do a fabulous job!

Production Diary: My Progress

Cast Dungeon

Okay. So I am feeling very panicky today. Maybe discouraged is more like it. There are so many projects on Kickstarter that are raising sums three or four…even ten times what I am trying to get by with on mine that are making their goals. It is true that they might have had these investors lined up ahead of time, but to see those figures makes me feel hopeless when I can’t get my friends and family to even share my posts, with the amazing exception of two or three.

My mind begins to run away from me, plaguing my thoughts of “who am I kidding?” and “I guess I’m not meant to be successful” and “why am I not worth the effort?”. It is easy to do when people who are supposedly your friends suddenly ignore you when you ask for their support.

In the next moment, I feel as though I have worked my ass off to get to where I am and I do deserve the opportunity to make my dreams happen. If I had the resources I wouldn’t even need to use an entity like Kickstarter. But I don’t and they are what stand between being better or staying mediocre. I don’t want to be just mediocre, average.

I was very touched that two strangers to me have reached out and tried to spread the word for me as my reach goes only so far. These people will never feel the increase in my heartbeat when I saw that they had helped, they will never see my smile of gratitude or the tears that were in my eyes. They will never know, even when I tell them, that I appreciate it so very much, just how grateful I am.

Out of my entire social circle, three friends are all that have helped in spreading the word. I find that insulting, actually. A handful RT me on twitter, most of them people I barely know. They believe in my abilities more than my own family. Crazy, right? It isn’t so much the lack of enthusiasm from those I am close to, it is the cold shoulder feeling that just makes me feel bad.

Am I mad because only 3 people have contributed? No, of course not. It is the silence that speaks volumes and screams in my ears that I am no good.

Well, I told you that I would update you on my journey. Why report only the rainbows and sunshine when that would make this account completely false. These are the moments that make you grow as a person. These are the times when the stars come out because it is so dark. This is when I step away and spread my wings in spite of them all.

I may not be able to do this project now, but I pray every night that it will manifest with my hard work. In the event that it does not go through, I will just come out swinging all the harder and find ways to piece it together. Victory will be sweet!

If you made it this far through my whining, I apologize. Wait. No, I don’t. I have spent my life apologizing for things I shouldn’t have to. I am a human being with real feelings and I believe that from time to time I should be allowed to expose my soft underbelly and show just how real I am. Thank you for reading. I know 99% of those who follow will not and do not. If I am simply talking to myself here, then it is cheap therapy for I can shed my rantings here and lighten my load a bit.

Be a leader, not a follower. Take charge of yourself, your dreams, and take the steps to make them come true…with or without those “close” to you.  🙂


Production Diary: Kickstarter!

Cast Dungeon

I had submitted my project to Kickstarter officially yesterday. I made a video to show my ideas and what the project will be. You can view it on my page on Kickstarter.

They sent me an email with a few ideas to improve my project. I made the corrections they asked for, which were not many, and they emailed me about an hour or two later to tell me that they approved my project.

What does this mean, exactly?

Well, it means I have 30 days to raise a hefty sum to film my project. Supporters are able to donate to my cause through the Kickstarter site and will not be charged a thing if I can’t make my goal. You can donate as little or as much as you would like, or can. Every dollar counts. When you support my project, there are incentives for some different denominations. I think they are quite fun, if you ask me. This is a site where I plan on helping others every chance I get.

So now, I must rely on others to make my dreams come true. My hands are tied until then. If you can’t help at all monetarily, helping with the set, the production, the cast…anything at all will be most welcome!

For all of you who review my project, who become a part of it in any way, and support me as I get this underway, I love you, I appreciate you, and I pray that one day I can return the favor to you.  🙂 So far, I have one backer. One  drop in my bucket of success!  I’m on my way!

Production Diary: My Progress

Cast Dungeon

Well, I have a new goal for the new year.

I am going to produce the chapters of my books as a webseries! That is right! One chapter a week will be aired as a new episode via the Web.

What have I been doing to get the project underway? I have given it a lot of thought. I have started my screenplays. I have begun my Kickstarter campain. I have emailed our local university, asking for their involvement. I have been busy recruiting a Director. And I made a video of my project.

I want to make journal entries to update you on my progress and keep you all in the know.  🙂 So when I have something new to report, all of you will be the first to know about it.

Thank you for reading, for your support and your advice as I embark upon this quest.

To watch the video that will be on my Kickstarter campaign, click here.

A Thank You

You know, it is very hard to step out on the stage and allow yourself to be vulnerable and judged by the public. It is quite different to make your work available over keeping a journal. Both are equally great cruades, but I didn’t care so much about who read my work or even if they did.

Now, it is a different case. I have been on a mission for some time now and finally decided it was time to really get serious about what I do because I have been told by many that I do it well.

I am having an affair with my characters. They never leave me alone. They are consuming my mind. I love them dearly. I cry when they feel sorrow. I have put in my sweat, tears and blood pressure for my readers’ benefit. It was for them that I continued to tell my characters’ story. I’m in love with my whole world and I want you to be too.

So…I want to applaud those who have taken the time to actually read my posts and my books. I owe a debt of gratitude to those who retweet me on Twitter. And I will love every one of my fans who propelled me forward even when I wanted to give up. You all know who you are and I will be forever grateful. Please keep spreading the word and telling the world how much you love the Aspen Series or Hyde and Zeek.

For those who have promoted me and wish me to mention a special you have going on or a new book being released, let me know! I am here to make the system work. And know that if I “like” your posts, it means I read them and they moved me in some way.

A Little Wisdom from Cappy

“I am a warrior. I fight to keep you safe and now I fight to keep her safe as well. I need nothing more than your graciousness, m’lord. I have no need for land, I am free, you supply me with coin, and I have position. I am happy.” ~ Cappy, Noble Courage Chapter 5

Sometimes we need to take a step back and think of what we are most thankful for in our lives. They may not always be what we want to have, but if our needs are met, we have no grounds to complain. Especially if we aren’t working towards fixing what we don’t like by ourselves. Life is ever changing. Will it matter what material things we posess when we pass away? Probably not. Be thankful for what you have or do something about it so you can be.

I find that I get lost in the sadness of children flying the nest or not having my home be just the way I’d like it to be. However, I love having the rest of my loving family around me, I have my talents, I have a roof over my head, and I have food in my belly. Things could be so much worse. I love what I have.