Production Diary: Kickstarter!

Cast Dungeon

I had submitted my project to Kickstarter officially yesterday. I made a video to show my ideas and what the project will be. You can view it on my page on Kickstarter.

They sent me an email with a few ideas to improve my project. I made the corrections they asked for, which were not many, and they emailed me about an hour or two later to tell me that they approved my project.

What does this mean, exactly?

Well, it means I have 30 days to raise a hefty sum to film my project. Supporters are able to donate to my cause through the Kickstarter site and will not be charged a thing if I can’t make my goal. You can donate as little or as much as you would like, or can. Every dollar counts. When you support my project, there are incentives for some different denominations. I think they are quite fun, if you ask me. This is a site where I plan on helping others every chance I get.

So now, I must rely on others to make my dreams come true. My hands are tied until then. If you can’t help at all monetarily, helping with the set, the production, the cast…anything at all will be most welcome!

For all of you who review my project, who become a part of it in any way, and support me as I get this underway, I love you, I appreciate you, and I pray that one day I can return the favor to you. Β πŸ™‚ So far, I have one backer. One Β drop in my bucket of success! Β I’m on my way!

19 responses to “Production Diary: Kickstarter!

  1. Pingback: We all need to support each other… « Pouring My Art Out

  2. shared this on G+ and Twitter – hope you get lots of support and make your goal – I am a starving artist / author myself so atm can not do more than spread the word.. I wish you luck

      • I went to the kickstarter page and I have to say that is very cool – I couldn;t pledge much but I did add a little and I sincerely hope you make your goal.. πŸ™‚ I like that you can change it too so if I win the lottery, I will most assuredly up it to something truly substantial – until then πŸ˜‰ I will be sure and spread the word.

      • I don’t even know how to express my gratitude to you. I think it would be so awesome! If I get it up and going, you will be of the first to know! πŸ™‚ Thanks again for being loud.

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